Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The second paragraph of US Declaration of Independence begins:


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


These words, written in 1776, remain relevant and meaningful in today's society. It is my vision to establish a community that cherishes Apex's diverse population, treating every individual with love and respect, regardless of gender, race, religious background, socio-economic status, physical ability, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender identity. I believe we are at our best when we come together as a people with all our beautiful differences.


Diversity Recognition and Support

Apex has made significant strides in recent years. I am committed to supporting and investing in festivals that honor and celebrate our cultural heritage and diversity, whether it is commemorating women's history, observing Juneteenth, showcasing Hispanic arts, celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community during Pride Fest, the rib-eating contest between the Apex Police and Apex Fire departments at Pigfest, or introducing new celebrations, e.g. to celebrate Asian-American culture. I'm particularly excited about bringing a Holi celebration to Apex in April 2024 to celebrate the fast-growing Indian-American community in west Apex.


Furthermore, I am a proponent of implementing hiring and human resource policies that ensure the Apex town staff mirrors the diversity of our residents, while also providing support to staff members who identify with underrepresented groups. In particular I'd like to implement employee resources groups to foster a culture of support and allyship among our staff.


Affordable Housing

To maintain the vibrancy of our diverse community, we need to ensure that housing opportunities are available to anyone who chooses to make Apex their home. It is undeniable that the growing popularity and recognition of Apex has led to soaring property prices. This has made owning or renting property unattainable for many, including public safety workers, healthcare professionals, teachers, store and restaurant employees, long-time residents and those on fixed incomes. Housing affordability is a concern that must be addressed. 


I wholeheartedly support the town's efforts to explore opportunities to create affordable housing in collaboration with other government entities, private enterprise, developers, faith-based organizations, or independently if necessary. Additionally, when determining property tax or utility rates, we must take into account the ongoing affordability needs of our residents. Although recent budget constraints required modest increases in both areas to cover the town's expenses, we were able to minimize these increases and mitigate their impact on economically vulnerable residents.



By implementing the right policies, Apex can provide a welcoming home for everyone, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives, enjoy their inherent freedoms, and pursue happiness according to their own unique paths.